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A Path to Inner Free­dom

A Path to Inner Free­dom

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Bey­ond all Oppo­si­tes

Dis­co­ver the Non-Dual Beau­ty

Why Medi­ta­ti­on?

Bring Yourself into Alignment with the Natural Path to Enlightened Wisdom

Alt­hough medi­ta­ti­on for me was pri­ma­ri­ly about see­king peak spi­ri­tu­al expe­ri­en­ces and under­stan­ding what the vague term enligh­ten­ment actual­ly means, any con­tem­pla­ti­ve prac­ti­ce has num­e­rous bene­fits. In par­ti­cu­lar, the mindful­ness move­ment and the empha­sis on the value of com­pas­si­on for self and others in posi­ti­ve psy­cho­lo­gy are based on thou­sands of years of rese­arch by saints and sages from various back­grounds who fores­ha­dowed modern day psy­cho­lo­gy.

Spi­ri­tua­li­ty is never just a means to an end, but also an end in its­elf: many of our tri­als and tri­bu­la­ti­ons, which express them­sel­ves in life cri­ses and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal break­downs, are — from a mys­ti­cal per­spec­ti­ve — an inner pau­se in the search for the actu­al path that lies behind our uni­que explo­ra­ti­ve jour­neys through life. Medi­ta­ti­on and other spi­ri­tu­al prac­ti­ces at best do not­hing more than alig­ning us with this natu­ral path of growth and matu­ra­ti­on towards hig­her forms of wis­dom.

How Do I Teach?

Time Tested Methods Updated for Modern Day Needs

Tan­tric Body- & Ener­gy­work

Poin­ting Out & Gui­ded Medi­ta­ti­ons

Dia­lo­gue & Empa­the­tic Reso­nan­ce

Maps & Know­ledge Trans­fer

Spi­ri­tua­li­ty in my under­stan­ding is tan­tric. As a result of the expe­ri­ence of hig­hest per­fec­tion, it is brought into the body — this uni­on of the enligh­ten­ed mind with the body beg­ins on a uniti­ve, visu­al level and slow­ly finds its way into the emo­tio­nal world and the mate­ri­al body through the per­cep­ti­on of a very subt­le balan­ce in the chakra sys­tem. At the same time, medi­ta­ti­on beg­ins with our body awa­re­ness and breathing.

Embo­di­ed know­ledge of the wis­dom of our con­tem­pla­ti­ve tra­di­ti­ons makes it pos­si­ble to point the way to expe­ri­en­ces. Gui­ded medi­ta­ti­on in par­ti­cu­lar helps you to quick­ly get a tas­te of indi­vi­du­al medi­ta­ti­ve sta­tes by trans­mit­ting the signa­tures of the­se sta­tes through word choice, grammar, or breathing pat­terns, for exam­p­le, but also through more subt­le mecha­nisms such as ener­ge­tic syn­chro­niza­ti­on.

Pre­cis­e­ly becau­se mys­ti­cal expe­ri­en­ces some­ti­mes elude our ever­y­day lan­guage and thus seem to iso­la­te us, exch­an­ge helps us not only to cate­go­ri­ze our expe­ri­en­ces but also to stay con­nec­ted. Words act as tools of self-know­ledge and car­to­gra­phy, as it were, just as they are bridges for thoughts and fee­lings. They allow rea­li­ties to reso­na­te and eli­mi­na­te the appa­rent sepa­ra­ti­on bet­ween two spaces of human con­scious­ness.

Even if con­cepts can sepa­ra­te us from the actu­al expe­ri­ence or mis­gui­de us and decei­ve us about our matu­ri­ty, men­tal maps are cen­tral to poin­ting to some­thing abso­lu­te and crea­ting inspi­ra­ti­on. The per­ma­nent and gui­ded ali­gnment bet­ween con­cept and ter­rain we expe­ri­ence is essen­ti­al. Ulti­m­ate­ly, lan­guage also helps us to enact the mea­ning of an expe­ri­ence and to grasp its beau­ty.

How to Navi­ga­te Towards Libe­ra­ti­on?

The Stages on the Path to Enlightenment: My Personal Synthesis

In my core I hold num­e­rous per­spec­ti­ves on the path to enligh­ten­ment — they are all con­nec­ted by my meta-model which is based on deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gy — the model of Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism. The illus­tra­ti­on below shows the main dimen­si­ons of this modern map of the Stages on the Path to Enligh­ten­ment and how repea­ting pat­terns ite­ra­ted frac­tal­ly throug­hout the spec­trum of spi­ri­tu­al sta­tes.

Through the rich­ness of dif­fe­rent wis­dom tra­di­ti­ons, a basic under­stan­ding of the stages of the path emer­ges, which is struc­tu­red more deep­ly by other disci­pli­nes such as neu­ro­sci­ence. Tog­e­ther with my own expe­ri­ence, this under­stan­ding allows for con­scious navi­ga­ti­on of the ter­ri­to­ry, avo­i­ding dan­ger spots of prac­ti­ce and tail­oring methods to indi­vi­du­al deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gi­cal needs.

Is Inner Peace Pos­si­ble?

Learn to Know the Play of Opposites as Liberated Perfection

On our path through life, times of spi­ri­tu­al drought, moments of con­fu­si­on, cri­ses and con­flicts are a natu­ral and neces­sa­ry part — loss of mea­ning allows us to yearn and search for mea­ning, inner cha­os is fer­ti­le ground for insightful pro­ces­ses, cri­ses help us to expand our beha­vi­oral reper­toire and con­flicts teach us to play with oppo­si­tes and show com­pas­si­on for other per­spec­ti­ves. All of this remains with us and yet…

…when we look through the veil that our con­scious­ness places over the world and tas­te the mys­te­rious still­ness, free­dom and cla­ri­ty of void­ness that lies at the end of the spi­ri­tu­al path, it all appears to us as peaceful such­ness. An embrace of clear light that helps us to see all of life’s hard­ships as inse­pa­ra­ble from this per­fec­tion: Suf­fe­ring may exist but in a for­getful­ness of what it once was, while the oppo­si­tes of life natu­ral­ly mer­ge once they are libe­ra­ted though trust in their search for balan­ce and unity.

Regu­lar cour­se offe­rings can be com­ple­men­ted by indi­vi­dua­li­zed spi­ri­tu­al men­to­ring accom­pa­nied by deve­lo­p­men­tal assess­ments and spi­ri­tu­al sca­les to tar­get and track your pro­gress in ali­gnment with your needs.

Ger­man lan­guage offe­rings are available in my home­town under “In Wei­den”.



In Wei­den

Start Your Jour­ney and Con­nect to the Peace Bey­ond all Oppo­si­tes

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