Dis­co­ver and Tra­vel the
Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment
through Theo­ry & Prac­ti­ce
Tra­di­tio­nal Wis­dom, Sci­en­ti­fic Insight, & Per­so­nal Expe­ri­ence
Syn­the­si­zed into a Con­tem­po­ra­ry Approach to
Meet Me

My Life as a Pur­po­seful Jour­ney

The Development of My Vocation into a Path to Enlightenment

My Life Path

Traditional Knowledge and Scientific Culture in Harmony with My Vocation

Mys­ti­cal expe­ri­en­ces have accom­pa­nied me sin­ce my ear­liest child­hood. So it was not sur­pri­sing that my natu­ral exis­ten­ti­al talent kept me expe­ri­men­ting with medi­ta­ti­on-like prac­ti­ces and encou­ra­ged me to stu­dy Wes­tern phi­lo­so­phy, Chris­tia­ni­ty, but also Bud­dhism and other Eas­tern wis­dom tra­di­ti­ons. For me, the­re was no other way in this life than to fol­low this call for spi­ri­tu­al matu­ra­ti­on and ful­fill­ment and to sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly inves­ti­ga­te the truth of the­se dimen­si­ons of rea­li­ty and bring them into useful models.

The­r­e­fo­re, I am curr­ent­ly pur­suing a PhD (“Doc­tor of Phi­lo­so­phy”) with a focus on Trans­per­so­nal Psy­cho­lo­gy at Ubi­qui­ty­Uni­ver­si­ty.

I ear­ned my pre­vious Master’s degree at the Facul­ty of Theo­lo­gi­cal Anthro­po­lo­gy and Value Ori­en­ta­ti­on at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Regens­burg — while my focus the­re was on edu­ca­tio­nal ethics, I am now focu­sing on the media­ti­on of advan­ced medi­ta­ti­ve sta­tes up to so-cal­led non-dual sta­tes, unity expe­ri­en­ces that are often descri­bed with the term enligh­ten­ment and are very fami­li­ar to me from my more than twen­ty years of con­tem­pla­ti­ve prac­ti­ce.

Deve­lo­p­men­tal Psy­cho­lo­gy

Curiosity & Compassion for Our Human Consciousness and Its Development

Over the past fif­teen years, I have also inves­ted much of my time in the ques­ti­on: how does human deve­lo­p­ment work, what par­al­lels and over­laps exist with mys­ti­cal prac­ti­ce and how can growth through stages of incre­asing unfold­ment suc­ceed?

With my for­mer stu­dent and now col­le­ague Risa Rae, I achie­ved an important mile­stone: the par­ti­al sci­en­ti­fic vali­da­ti­on of the results of this rese­arch jour­ney and thus of my model of human deve­lo­p­ment. It descri­bes stages and degrees of matu­ri­ty of con­scious­ness and how the­se can be pas­sed through in dif­fe­rent ways, and makes this matu­ra­ti­on pro­cess and signi­fi­cant dif­fe­ren­ces mea­sura­ble. On the basis of an eva­lua­ti­on, it is not only pos­si­ble to under­stand huma­ni­ty in all its facets, but also to sen­si­tively tune in to cli­ents.

I am curr­ent­ly using this model at The New Human Uni­ver­si­ty, whe­re I teach deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gy and rese­arch the effects of the tea­ching con­tent and prac­ti­ces the­re on the deve­lo­p­ment of stu­dents’ con­scious­ness. My work is also being appli­ed at the Colo­gne Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces for Media, Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and Busi­ness — whe­re a long-term stu­dy with Bache­lor stu­dents star­ted in 2024 under the direc­tion of Prof. Dr. Marc G. Lucas.

I Look Back on More Than Twen­ty Years as Tea­cher & Role Model

What Some of My Recent Clients Say about Me

Though I am per­so­nal­ly incli­ned to intro­ver­si­on, I found mys­elf as a tea­cher and role model for spi­ri­tu­al prac­ti­ce alre­a­dy in my late teens howe­ver, wit­hout reco­gni­zing it as part of my life‘s pur­po­se.

Thus, throug­hout the years I have deve­lo­ped my skill set in various con­texts with stu­dents of all ages and from various cul­tu­ral and socio-eco­non­mic back­grounds cul­mi­na­ting in my cur­rent offe­ring.

Sofia Mede­san

Entre­pre­neur, Wri­ter & MA stu­dent

“I can say that my year-long expe­ri­ence with Roman was quite uni­que and spe­cial. The best part of it all, for me, were the medi­ta­ti­ons and prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es we did.

Each expe­ri­ence took me to ano­ther level of growth and sta­te of con­scious­ness in a very prac­ti­cal way.

I can tru­ly say that suf­fe­ring for me is a thing of the past which was repla­ced with effort­less awa­re­ness and a stron­ger abili­ty to stay with what is, in each moment.

I can honest­ly say that Roman is one of the most authen­tic, down to earth, geni­us, kind per­son I ever met, and I can’t wait to have ano­ther oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn with, and from him in the near future.”

Dr. Ste­ven Giron

Direc­tor of Edu­ca­ti­on, The New Human Uni­ver­si­ty

“Roman Ange­rer, MA, stands at the fore­front of ver­ti­cal stage deve­lo­p­ment, socio­lo­gy, and anthro­po­lo­gy, blen­ding the mys­tic and the sci­en­ti­fic to unlock new dimen­si­ons of human con­scious­ness. His pio­nee­ring work on ‘Fifth­ness’ and its inte­gra­ti­on with the ‘Fifth sta­te,’ or Turya­ti­ta, repres­ents a ground­brea­king explo­ra­ti­on into the realms of enligh­ten­ment and adult deve­lo­p­ment.

Through his rese­arch and tea­ching at The New Human Uni­ver­si­ty and bey­ond, Roman has deve­lo­ped a mea­sura­ble frame­work for under­stan­ding con­scious­ness, offe­ring a uni­que lens through which we can view the evo­lu­ti­on of the human spi­rit.

His com­mit­ment to mer­ging tra­di­tio­nal wis­dom with con­tem­po­ra­ry sci­ence illu­mi­na­tes the path towards hig­her sta­tes of being, making his con­tri­bu­ti­ons inva­luable to the field and to humanity’s quest for deeper under­stan­ding and spi­ri­tu­al ful­fill­ment.”

Petra Schmidt

for­mer. PA Tele­vi­si­on­di­rec­tor SWR, Stutt­gart &
inte­gra­ler Coach

“Roman’s beau­tiful authen­tic, sen­si­ti­ve, empa­the­tic and empowe­ring inner strength, which he is able to con­vey with his own gene­rous, abso­lut­e­ly under­stan­ding awa­ken­ed wis­dom and pati­ence, inspi­red me. Never tired of lis­tening and under­stan­ding and explai­ning again and again.

His medi­ta­ti­ons, often gui­ded spon­ta­neous­ly and intui­tively during trai­ning, ope­ned my heart to sur­ren­der to what is.

With gre­at gra­ti­tu­de to Roman and his wis­dom, which has attrac­ted me sin­ce our first mee­ting in 2013, I would like to who­le­he­ar­ted­ly recom­mend fol­lo­wing Roman Ange­rer into the com­plex world of the spec­trum of con­scious­ness and non­du­al expe­ri­en­ces that Roman is so bril­li­ant at con­vey­ing.”

What‘s Next?

Fol­low the links and learn more — whe­ther you want to go on a medi­ta­ti­ve jour­ney with me or are inte­res­ted in stage deve­lo­p­ment and expan­ding the edge of your con­scious­ness.



Use My Cal­ling for Your Own Libe­ra­ti­on & Spi­ri­tu­al Growth

I am a Member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity

ASI Logo: A blue lotus flower inside a gold ring.