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Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism:

Deve­lo­p­men­tal Assess­ments

Deve­lo­p­men­tal Assess­ments

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Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism:


through Unpre­ce­den­ted Who­len­ess & Pre­cis­i­on

Sen­si­ti­vi­ty & Inspi­ra­ti­on for the Growth of Your Con­scious­ness

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism: Quar­ter Stages and Stage Tran­si­ti­ons Along the Spec­trum of Twen­ty Stages

What Are We Measuring with Our Assessment?

Our con­cept of human deve­lo­p­ment is inspi­red by num­e­rous thin­kers. The Indi­an phi­lo­so­pher and Hin­du mys­tic Sri Auro­bin­do Gho­se in par­ti­cu­lar ope­ned Roman Angerer’s eyes to the full spec­trum of deve­lo­p­ment that Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism maps out, inclu­ding an even metric and accom­pany­ing mea­su­res.

In refe­rence to the Ger­man Enligh­ten­ment phi­lo­so­pher and cri­ti­cal thin­ker Imma­nu­el Kant, we use the term tran­s­cen­den­tal to allude to the fact that we are try­ing to grasp the media that lie behind the num­e­rous for­mal expres­si­ons of human con­scious­ness and enable the gra­du­al path to awa­ke­ning that so many models emu­la­te.

Curr­ent­ly we have under­ta­ken sta­tis­ti­cal vali­da­ti­ons for twel­ve stages while empi­ri­cal fin­dings are available for twen­ty stages — trans­for­ma­ti­ons in lan­guage pat­terns tra­ced in various thin­kers, i.e. in their seman­tic-syn­tac­tic habits and the com­ple­xi­ty of their lin­gu­i­stic expres­si­ons.

Like other models, we base our view on repe­ti­ti­ve pat­terns that tran­s­cen­den­tal­ly enable orders of con­scious­ness, stages, quar­ter-stages, and stage tran­si­ti­ons and their mea­su­re­ment through text ana­ly­sis. In the fol­lo­wing you can see a meta­mo­del of the pat­terns and frac­tal natu­re of con­scious­ness based on four tran­s­cen­den­tal media.

Dr. Micha­el Cot­ton

Aut­hor of Source Code Medi­ta­ti­on & Foun­der of
The New Human Uni­ver­si­ty

“Roman Angerer’s emer­ging model and deep under­stan­ding of deve­lo­p­men­tal phe­no­me­na is an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to the field of con­scious­ness stu­dies.

When I was loo­king for someone to do deve­lo­p­men­tal assess­ments (stage-by-stage evo­lu­ti­on of mind) for the New Human Uni­ver­si­ty, I set out to find the best. Roman flies under the radar in most places, but he has published mind-alte­ring papers on human deve­lo­p­ment and is known in the inner cir­cles to be a rising star in deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gy.

Are you a tea­cher of trans­for­ma­tio­nal lear­ning but won­de­ring how to vali­da­te your work? As the foun­der of the New Human Uni­ver­si­ty, I have used Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism to fur­ther the under­stan­ding of how impactful my work is. Do the same!”

The New Human Stu­dy

Stage Theo­ry and Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Types — an Unpre­ce­den­ted Syn­the­sis

What Do We Mean with Pluralism?

Num­e­rous deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gists, abo­ve all Law­rence Kohl­berg with his Psycho­lo­gy of Moral Deve­lo­p­ment, had to rea­li­ze that a pre­cise assess­ment of stages is not pos­si­ble wit­hout awa­re­ness of human dif­fe­ren­ces. In Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism we recon­ci­le for the first time the distinc­tion bet­ween psy­cho­lo­gi­cal types and a spec­trum of twen­ty stages. Some of the dif­fe­ren­ces are anti­no­mic­al in their natu­re — they can‘t be recon­ci­led within one per­son but are pola­ri­ties that play out in huma­ni­ty as a who­le and ask us to prac­ti­ce con­scious per­spec­ti­ve taking and empa­thy — while others, like that bet­ween a cogni­ti­ve mode and a fee­ling awa­re­ness, can be work­ed on so that a peacfull who­len­ess can be accom­plished within you.

The psy­cho­lo­gi­cal types reve­a­led in our rese­arch cor­re­la­te stron­gly with the dimen­si­ons of the Myers-Briggs Type Indi­ca­tor (MBTI). Howe­ver, our assess­ment cri­te­ria are based on seman­tic-syn­tac­tic and lexi­cal ele­ments, i.e. the sen­tence struc­tu­re, the choice of gram­ma­ti­cal cases, as well as the pre­fer­red objects that appear through the choice of words. This crea­tes an unpre­ce­den­ted sen­si­ti­vi­ty to dif­fe­ren­ces, which allows us to pro­vi­de spe­ci­fic deve­lo­p­men­tal feed­back — type-appro­pria­te lite­ra­tu­re recom­men­da­ti­ons and prac­ti­ces. At the same time, the assess­ment allows you to help to stri­ve for and rea­li­ze balan­ce bet­ween oppo­si­tes and find tole­rance for the various forms of human expe­ri­ence.

The Indi­vi­du­al & the Coll­ec­ti­ve Ori­en­ta­ti­on

The Cogni­ti­ve Mode & the Fee­ling Awa­re­ness

The Insi­de- & the Out­side-View


Both Mar­cia B. Bax­ter Magolda’s rese­arch with col­lege stu­dents and Caroll Gilligan’s work on the moral deve­lo­p­ment of women show­ed that peo­p­le on their deve­lo­p­men­tal path pre­fer to empha­si­ze exter­nal, coll­ec­ti­ve or inter­sub­jec­ti­ve pro­ces­ses or to focus on their inter­nal, indi­vi­du­al and sub­jec­ti­ve per­spec­ti­ve.

In Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism, we distin­gu­ish accor­din­gly bet­ween an Indi­vi­du­al & Coll­ec­ti­ve Ori­en­ta­ti­on, which we eva­lua­te on the basis of gram­ma­ti­cal pat­terns and word choice.

This dimen­si­on cor­re­la­tes stron­gly with the dicho­to­my bet­ween Extra­ver­si­on (E.) & Intro­ver­si­on (I.) in the Myers Briggs Type Indi­ca­tor.

In her semi­nal work on the stages of the mys­ti­cal path, Eve­lyn Underhill illus­tra­ted how spi­ri­tu­al see­kers choo­se eit­her the path of world deni­al - Via Nega­ti­va - or that of an abso­lu­te affir­ma­ti­on of the world - Via Posi­ti­va -. Only a few mys­tics suc­ceed in recon­ci­ling both paths, albeit always from one side.

This view nou­ris­hes the under­stan­ding behind our distinc­tion of a Cogni­ti­ve Mode & Fee­ling Awa­re­ness, one of which domi­na­tes our ascent through the dif­fe­ren lay­ers of con­scious­ness, but both of which can be har­mo­ni­zed.

This dimen­si­on cor­re­la­tes stron­gly with the dicho­to­my bet­ween Thin­king (T.) & Fee­ling (F.) in the Myers Briggs Type Indi­ca­tor.

The deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gist Kathe­ri­ne Nel­son dis­co­ver­ed that the­re are two types of child­ren and the­r­e­fo­re two ways of acqui­ring lan­guage. Later, the­se types, which she cal­led refe­ren­ti­al and expres­si­ve, were brought under the distinc­tion of an ana­ly­ti­cal lan­guage deve­lo­p­ment and one that uses gestalt mecha­nisms.

In Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism, we speak of an ana­ly­ti­cal Out­side-View & a gestalt-ori­en­ted Insi­de-View. As first model, we can distin­gu­ish the­se two types of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve action and inner con­scious­ness con­sis­t­ent­ly, i.e. across a spec­trum of twen­ty levels.

This dimen­si­on shows a high degree of cor­re­spon­dence with the dicho­to­my bet­ween Per­cei­ving (P.) & Jud­ging (J.) in the Myers Briggs Type Indi­ca­tor.

Most models see the objects that peo­p­le refe­rence with their lan­guage as an indi­ca­tor of a deve­lo­p­men­tal stage. Law­rence Kohlberg’s rese­arch on the psy­cho­lo­gy of moral deve­lo­p­ment shows the radi­cal mis­in­ter­pre­ta­ti­ons this can lead to — the so cal­led con­fu­si­on bet­ween form and con­tent.

Ken Wil­ber, fol­lo­wing Adi Da Sam­raj, also sug­gests that dif­fe­rent paths (yogi, sage, saint) prio­ri­ti­ze objects of dif­fe­rent stages along the tra­jec­to­ry for their spi­ri­tu­al prac­ti­ce.

The eva­lua­ti­on pro­cess of Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism is the­r­e­fo­re lar­ge­ly object-inde­pen­dent. This means that peo­p­le of any level can use objects of other levels wit­hout affec­ting the eva­lua­ti­on.

This distinc­tion is reflec­ted in the Sen­so­ry (S.) & Intui­ti­ve (N.) dimen­si­ons of the Myers Briggs type indi­ca­tor.

Ori­ent Yours­elf through Assess­ments & Harness the Power of Deve­lo­p­men­tal Coa­ching

How Can You Use Transcendental Pluralism for Your Own Growth & Development?

Curio­si­ty, the need for Ori­en­ta­ti­on, or a lon­ging for Growth — Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism is your Part­ner!

Assess­ments with Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism

Cont­act Us

Our Stan­dard Assess­ment:
In Eng­lish or Ger­man

590.00 €

Our Spe­cial Assess­ment:
Con­scious Age­ing Inven­to­ry

590.00 €

Wha­te­ver moti­va­tes you to know your stage of deve­lo­p­ment — our Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Assess­ments & Debriefs are the per­fect start­ing point.

Bes­i­des our stan­dard offers you can cont­act us at any time with spe­cial requests. We design spe­ci­fic invent­ories for your per­so­nal needs as much as we enjoy to work with com­pa­nies and on your rese­arch pro­jects. We are always open for new col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons.

All our assess­ments are offe­red with dis­counts for stu­dents and peo­p­le who live on a below-avera­ge inco­me.

All of our Assess­ments come with a 60 minu­te Debrief.

When you order an assess­ment you will get a link to a sen­tence com­ple­ti­on test — one of the most wide­ly used psy­cho­me­tric tools. A sen­tence com­ple­ti­on test includes various sen­tence stems such as “A human has the right to…”, “Being with other peo­p­le…”, or “The thing I like about mys­elf…”. Once you com­ple­ted the­se items a trai­ned scored will look at your respon­ses and base your per­so­na­li­zed report on their assess­ment.

Addi­to­nal­ly, each assess­ment allows you to upload other recent­ly writ­ten mate­ri­al that we can compa­re to your sen­tence com­ple­ti­on per­for­mance. By this we gene­ral­ly reach a more accu­ra­te esti­ma­te of your most likely stage and typo­lo­gi­cal pro­fi­le.

Gene­ral Infor­ma­ti­on

In coope­ra­ti­on with Bet­ti­na Wichers we offer a spe­cial assess­ment for Con­scious Age­ing.

It includes a 24 Item Assess­ment with the­me spe­ci­fic sen­tence stems and a moral dilem­ma prompt on age­ing.

You will recei­ve a per­so­na­li­zed report inclu­ding your wave like func­tion of deve­lo­p­ment and a cor­re­la­ti­on with other rele­vant models such as Ego Deve­lo­p­ment.

The debrief is done by Bet­ti­na Wichers.

590.00 € | Order Now



Con­scious Age­ing Inven­to­ry

Spe­cu­la­ti­ve Theo­ry in Harm­o­ny with Prac­ti­cal Wis­dom and Sci­en­ti­fic Ambi­ti­on

What Is the Foundation of Our Model?

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism is based on a foun­da­ti­on of spe­cu­la­ti­ve theo­ries from psy­cho­lo­gy, phi­lo­so­phy and spi­ri­tu­al tra­di­ti­ons. The­se spe­cu­la­ti­ve theo­ries — such as tho­se of Sir Auro­bin­do, Georg Wil­helm Fried­rich Hegel or Ken Wil­ber — flow tog­e­ther with empi­ri­cal fin­dings. Our sub­jec­ti­ve method of cogni­ti­on is com­ple­men­ted, but not domi­na­ted, by sta­tis­ti­cal methods.

Empi­ri­cal insights and evi­dence from our archaeo­lo­gi­cal and genea­lo­gi­cal rese­arch, the ana­ly­sis of lite­ra­ry life works of more than a hundred aut­hors and the deve­lo­p­men­tal move­ments the­r­ein, are accom­pa­nied by a com­pre­hen­si­ve exami­na­ti­on of other works of deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gy. This com­bi­nes prac­ti­cal wis­dom from various life expe­ri­en­ces with con­ven­tio­nal rese­arch methods.

Our assess­ment pro­cess meets the hig­hest stan­dards: our inter­ra­ter relia­bi­li­ty is the best on the mar­ket and with an inter­ra­ter agree­ment of 95 per­cent within a quar­ter of a stage, we set a new stan­dard of accu­ra­cy.

Even though our ran­ge of stages exceeds that of other empi­ri­cal­ly based models, we are con­stant­ly working on its vali­da­ti­on through com­pa­ri­son.

A core ele­ment of Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism is our self-image as a cri­ti­cal theo­ry — towards its­elf but also as a tool for reflec­tion of other models.


Cri­ti­cal Theo­ry

Our Aspi­ra­ti­on

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism as a
cri­ti­cal & sci­en­ti­fic Instru­ment

Pre­dic­ti­ve Vali­di­ty

In recent years, we have con­duc­ted befo­re and after assess­ments with more than 80 stu­dents as part of trans­for­ma­ti­ve lear­ning expe­ri­en­ces. Over the last 10 years, indi­vi­du­als have been asses­sed for their deve­lo­p­men­tal stage up to five times.

On the right is a — pre­vious­ly unpu­blished — redu­ced com­pa­ri­son of the first and second assess­ments. So far, ever­y­thing indi­ca­tes that peo­p­le — even wit­hout know­ledge of the test cri­te­ria — deve­lop accor­ding to the theo­ry.

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism &
Lon­gi­tu­di­nal Stu­dies

A com­pa­ri­son of the ver­ti­cal X‑axis (stages in Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism) with the hori­zon­tal Y‑axis (stages of Ego- Deve­lo­p­ment) reve­als the almost line­ar rela­ti­onship bet­ween the two models.

Our assess­ment pro­ce­du­re has an almost per­fect relia­bi­li­ty (alpha = 0.92) with regard to the mea­su­re­ment of Ego-Deve­lo­p­ment up to the Con­s­truct-Con­scious level and an almost per­fect agree­ment with one level devia­ti­on (87 per­cent). Only the Uniti­ve stage is an excep­ti­on.

Cor­re­la­ti­ve Vali­di­ty

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism &

Cor­re­la­ti­ve Vali­di­ty

As the dia­gram shows, the rela­ti­onship bet­ween Stages of Moral Judgment and a midd­le stage on the deve­lo­p­men­tal tra­jec­to­ry of Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism is like­wi­se rela­tively line­ar.

Our assess­ment pro­ce­du­re shows an almost per­fect relia­bi­li­ty with regard to the mea­su­re­ment of Law­rence Kohlberg’s work (alpha = 0.97) and an almost per­fect agree­ment with his stages (88 per­cent).

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism &
Moral Judgment

Join Us and Bring this New­ly Emer­ging Theo­ry into Rea­li­ty

Who Is on Our Team?

We are loo­king for orga­nic growth and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of our know­ledge. We are curr­ent­ly working on the cur­ri­cu­lum for our next scoring trai­ning sche­du­led for Spring 2025. Smal­ler pro­gram­mes that teach the basics behind Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism are soon to come as well.

Whe­ther you want to join our team, have crea­ti­ve ide­as around our model, or want to increase your know­ledge base and prac­ti­cal wis­dom for deal­ing with and sup­port­ing the growth of con­scious­ness and its many strands — we are loo­king for­ward to meet you.

Roman Ange­rer has been deve­lo­ping the fun­da­men­tals of Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism for more than a deca­de.
He curr­ent­ly works on his PhD at Ubi­qui­ty­Uni­ver­si­ty and has been app­ly­ing Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism at
The New Human Uni­ver­si­ty whe­re he is tea­ching in their Mas­ters and PhD pro­gram­mes.

Roman Ange­rer has been deve­lo­ping the fun­da­men­tals of Deve­lo­p­ment as Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism for more than a deca­de. He has a Bachelor‘s Degree in Busi­ness Admi­nis­tra­ti­on and finis­hed a Master‘s Degree in Theo­lo­gi­cal Anthro­po­lo­gy and Value Ori­en­ta­ti­on in Edu­ca­ti­on. Curr­ent­ly he is pur­suing a PhD in Inte­gral Trans­per­so­nal Psy­cho­lo­gy at Ubi­qui­ty Uni­ver­si­ty. He has now been working tog­e­ther with New Human Uni­ver­si­ty for more than four years.

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism

Deve­lo­per of

Roman Ange­rer

Risa Rae has suc­cessful­ly lear­ned scoring and working with Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism. Addi­tio­nal­ly, she has been
a Mas­tery Level Hig­her Brain Living Faci­li­ta­tor, New Human Uni­ver­si­ty Facul­ty as Eli­te Men­tor and stu­dent
of Pra­xis­Al­et­heia whe­re Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism has been appli­ed.

Roman Ange­rer has been deve­lo­ping the fun­da­men­tals of Deve­lo­p­ment as Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism for more than a deca­de. He has a Bachelor‘s Degree in Busi­ness Admi­nis­tra­ti­on and finis­hed a Master‘s Degree in Theo­lo­gi­cal Anthro­po­lo­gy and Value Ori­en­ta­ti­on in Edu­ca­ti­on. Curr­ent­ly he is pur­suing a PhD in Inte­gral Trans­per­so­nal Psy­cho­lo­gy at Ubi­qui­ty Uni­ver­si­ty. He has now been working tog­e­ther with New Human Uni­ver­si­ty for more than four years.

for Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism

Cer­ti­fied Scorer & Coach

Risa Rae

As a geron­to­lo­gist and edu­ca­tor, Bet­ti­na com­bi­ned spe­cia­list know­ledge from the aging, health, nur­sing and edu­ca­tio­nal sci­en­ces
with insights from Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism and tho­se from other fields like Trans­per­so­nal Psy­cho­lo­gy and Inte­gral Theo­ry.
As a long­term col­la­bo­ra­tor with deca­des of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence she can sup­port in inter­pre­ting assess­ments and use them
for suc­cessfull age­ing.

Roman Ange­rer has been deve­lo­ping the fun­da­men­tals of Deve­lo­p­ment as Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism for more than a deca­de. He has a Bachelor‘s Degree in Busi­ness Admi­nis­tra­ti­on and finis­hed a Master‘s Degree in Theo­lo­gi­cal Anthro­po­lo­gy and Value Ori­en­ta­ti­on in Edu­ca­ti­on. Curr­ent­ly he is pur­suing a PhD in Inte­gral Trans­per­so­nal Psy­cho­lo­gy at Ubi­qui­ty Uni­ver­si­ty. He has now been working tog­e­ther with New Human Uni­ver­si­ty for more than four years.

in the Field of Con­scious Age­ing

Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism

Bet­ti­na Wichers