• The Divine Abidings & The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment Coursee

    A Con­tem­po­ra­ry Take and Gui­ded Prac­ti­ce


One con­cept in Bud­dhism that I have repea­ted­ly prac­ti­ced and at the same time ques­tio­ned are the Divi­ne Abi­dings. The abi­dings are four well-known medi­ta­ti­on sub­jects cal­led loving-kind­ness, com­pas­si­on, glad­ness, and equ­ani­mi­ty. Prac­ti­cing the­se four sub­jects is meant to irra­di­ca­te emo­tio­nal defi­le­ments and actua­li­ze poten­ti­al for the medi­ta­ti­ve path.

While the first, loving-kind­ness has the pur­po­se of war­ding off ill will, the others are meant to save us from cruel­ty, aver­si­on, and greed or resent­ment.

Becau­se of the way they are prac­ti­ced they are some­ti­mes also cal­led the illi­mi­ta­bles, becau­se they gra­du­al­ly gene­ra­te a bound­less con­di­ti­on. Loving-kind­ness prac­ti­ce, for exam­p­le, assu­mes that hate has to be aban­do­ned and pati­ence attai­ned. First it should be deve­lo­ped only towards ones­elf, doing it repea­ted­ly thus: “May I be hap­py and free from suf­fe­ring” or “May I keep mys­elf free from enmity, aff­lic­tion and anxie­ty and live hap­pi­ly.” Then the prac­ti­ce is exten­ded to others such as neu­tral, loved, and anti­pa­the­tic others as in the phra­se “May you be hap­py and free from suf­fe­ring.”


Howe­ver, the­se stan­dar­di­zed emo­ti­ons can easi­ly beco­me a bypass to app­re­cia­te and harness the full spec­trum of human sens­ing. They can beco­me a veil that blinds us for what is actual­ly pre­sent in us and as Gabor Mate points out in When the Body Says No, espe­ci­al­ly the repres­si­on of aver­si­ve emo­ti­ons can lead to a varie­ty of ill­nesses. He recom­mends having the cou­ra­ge to allow nega­ti­ve thoughts and emo­ti­ons to inform our under­stan­ding, wit­hout sim­ply allo­wing them to domi­na­te our future.

Deal­ing with human rea­li­ty in a dyna­mic way asks us to expe­ri­ence, che­rish, and harness a wide ran­ge of basic emo­ti­ons, that Jaak Panksepp and Luci Biven point out in The Archaeo­lo­gy of Mind: Neu­ro­evo­lu­tio­na­ry Ori­g­ins of Human Emo­ti­on. Upon the­se pri­ma­ry pro­ces­ses, Panksepp points out, we can build more com­plex social emo­ti­ons and men­tal sta­tes such as the impe­ra­ti­ve to prac­ti­ce loving-kind­ness.

The Transcendental Spectrum of Emotions

In this sen­se a con­tem­po­ra­ry path of enligh­ten­ment must con­sider a more com­plex approach to human emo­ti­ons. Gene­ra­ting bliss of insight as the means to live an excel­lent future life, as the Divi­ne Abi­dings intent, does not start with the judgment and repres­si­on of cer­tain emo­ti­ons but their ack­now­led­ge­ment.

When you look at the map of the stages on the path to enligh­ten­ment you noti­ce the emo­tio­nal dyna­mics that each sta­te has its own emo­tio­nal dyna­mic based on polar pairs distil­led from my medi­ta­ti­ve prac­ti­ce and ali­gned with Panksepp‘s work and that of deve­lo­p­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gists such as Mar­ga­ret Mahler and Dani­el N. Stern who spe­ci­fi­cal­ly loo­ked at the sequence in which cer­tain emo­ti­ons show up during infan­cy.

The­se emo­ti­ons are in a sen­se tran­s­cen­den­tals, they are the under­ly­ing, ever-pre­sent loo­se­ly struc­tu­red media that gene­ra­li­ze the respec­ti­ve sta­tes, stages, and lay­ers into emo­tio­nal dyna­mics and enable a multi­tu­de of form-expres­si­ons:

  • Each first being domi­na­ted by the dyna­mics of see­king & fear
  • Each second being domi­na­ted by a dyna­mic of power & grief (loss)
  • Each third being domi­na­ted by a dyna­mic of play & care
  • Each fourth being domi­na­ted by a dyna­mic of love & wiz (truth)


Very ear­ly on in human histo­ry, pro­ba­b­ly far befo­re Pla­to and Aris­tot­le, dialec­tics as the artis­tic strugg­le with polar or even anti­no­mic­al aspects of rea­li­ty emer­ged, an art that in its best trans­forms that strugg­le into a dyna­mi­cal­ly kno­wing love that moves us towards insights, a midd­le way, or even a hig­her syn­the­sis.

Each of the polar pairs of emo­ti­ons from the pre­sen­ted sche­me are meant to har­mo­ni­ze dyna­mi­cal­ly throug­hout our ever­y­day life ins­tead of being sim­ply dis­sol­ved and sub­sti­tu­ted by a well-trai­ned but par­ti­al sta­te – plain­ly said: The­re is a sta­te from which polar emo­ti­ons can come to rest, fin­ding that sta­te per­so­nal­ly, fin­ding it as a new and ori­gi­nal Divi­ne Abi­ding allows us to fol­low the dialec­ti­cal flow of life and spi­rit natu­ral­ly.

As exam­p­le: When we look at the ear­liest polar pair, we reco­gni­ze that alre­a­dy a cell has to balan­ce the first set of basic emo­ti­ons. For wit­hout see­king it‘ll be para­ly­zed, not fin­ding a nut­ri­ent den­se milieu to stri­ve in, while wit­hout fear it would fool­har­di­ly rush into bad milieus, like tho­se which are too aci­dic, and would dis­in­te­gra­te. Alre­a­dy the cell is a place within which or a means by which oppo­sing impul­ses are balan­ced for the sake of life.

Not­wi­th­stan­ding, this litt­le cri­tique of Bud­dhist emo­tio­nal work: In a sen­se pati­ence as a result of loving kind­ness can be seen as a balan­ce of hasty see­king and para­ly­zed fear, but natu­ral­ly each situa­ti­on can make us life into new inte­gra­ti­ve forms of emo­ti­ons that ser­ve us well in a spe­ci­fic con­text.

Finding One‘s Unique Divine Abidings

Thus, throug­hout the ses­si­on on preli­mi­na­ry and pre­pa­ra­to­ry prac­ti­ces in The Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment Cour­se we will find our own – even if momen­ta­ry – divi­ne abi­dings. By this we train the medi­ta­ti­ve pro­cess of emo­ti­on rela­ted tan­tra through distinct tech­ni­ques for each of the four emo­tio­nal dyna­mics depic­ted in the map using body move­ments, con­cep­tu­al thought, men­tal pro­ces­ses, and spi­ri­tu­al insight gover­ned from a place of deep non­du­al trust into the mys­ti­cal reso­lu­ti­on of all oppo­si­tes into the harm­o­ny of the who­le.

In the fol­lo­wing you find a litt­le medi­ta­ti­on that can help you to tap into that pro­cess a bit by fin­ding your own Divi­ne Abi­ding as a balan­ce of fear and see­king as the most pri­mal emo­tio­nal dyna­mic in human infants.

You can vary the medi­ta­ti­on or inte­gra­te addi­tio­nal aspects depen­ding on your own loca­ti­on on the path: for exam­p­le use it to wit­ness the emp­tin­ess of self, how you chan­ge through the medi­ta­ti­on, while you hold the abili­ty to see how the self emer­ges out of that chan­ge anew — keep your focus on both reco­gni­ti­ons simul­ta­neous­ly.

Beco­ming accus­to­med to the reso­lu­ti­on of the­se dyna­mics at various levels of com­ple­xi­ty helps you to navi­ga­te the stages of the path more skillful­ly and with less res­traints on uniti­ve out­co­mes. Fur­ther­mo­re, the cul­ti­va­ti­on of inte­gra­ti­ve pro­ces­ses and the respec­ti­ve illi­mi­ta­bles helps us to navi­ga­te our inter­per­so­nal emo­tio­nal lives as well – as we learn to allow all sorts of emo­ti­ons and their natu­ral evo­lu­ti­on through dialec­tics.

Learn about the Cour­se

I offer two inter­ac­ti­ve and expe­ri­en­ti­al Q&A Ses­si­ons for The Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment Cour­se.

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Regis­ter for Q&A Two

Satur­day Sep 28th, 2024 08:00 PM CETor join a Q&A Ses­si­on?Satur­day Aug 31st, 2024 08:00 PM CET
I offer two interactive and experiential Q&A Sessions for The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment Course.

I am looking forward to meeting you there.

With Love, Roman

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Join my Q&ASaturday Aug 31st, 2024 08:00 PM CETSaturday Sep 28th, 2024 08:00 PM CET

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