Regis­ter Now

The Stages of the Path

to Enligh­ten­ment

to Enligh­ten­ment

Regis­ter for Q&A

The Stages of the Path


to the Beau­ty Bey­ond all Oppo­si­tes

A Seven-Month Expe­ri­en­ti­al Jour­ney

Join an immersi­ve Jour­ney through a sophisti­ca­ted Map of embo­di­ed Con­scious­ness!

The Meta-Model of Ite­ra­ting Tran­s­cen­den­tals

Down­load Free eBook

A Rich Tapestry of Spi­ri­tu­al Sta­tes & Prac­ti­ces from Various Tra­di­ti­ons

A Meta-Model of Ite­ra­ti­ve Pat­terns within human Con­scious­ness

A Dialec­ti­cal Sche­me to Avo­id Unhe­alt­hy Extre­mes on the Path to Enligh­ten­ment

A Model of the Embo­di­ed Tra­jec­to­ry throug­hout Various Levels of Refi­ned Ener­gy

Our Jour­ney will be gui­ded by a con­scious­ly embo­di­ed meta-model that is based on ite­ra­ting tran­s­cen­den­tals.

The four tran­s­cen­den­tals gui­de our con­scious waking up and gro­wing up pro­cess. Des­cen­ding from what Auro­bin­do cal­led the “Supre­me Self-Con­tai­ned Abso­lut”, the realm of non-dual Such­ness, they build four lay­ers of con­scious­ness know as waking, dre­a­ming, deep dream­less sleep, and the fourth, or Turya.

I call the­se four lay­ers, each of which holds four sta­tes: sen­su­al Being, subt­le Essence, cau­sal Soul, and uniti­ve Spi­rit. We will explo­re each of the­se land­marks up to ulti­ma­te Enligh­ten­ment.

A Tapestry of Sta­tes from Various Sys­tems

The jour­ney will be infor­med by various medi­ta­ti­ve tra­di­ti­ons and their spe­ci­fic prac­ti­ces to navi­ga­te through a sec­tion of the path to enligh­ten­ment.

Based on my per­so­nal expe­ri­ence and exten­si­ve con­tem­pla­ti­on of the various sta­tes and prac­ti­ces to achie­ve and cul­ti­va­te them, I con­den­sed a neat set of medi­ta­ti­ve, refle­xi­ve and psycho-spi­ri­tu­al tech­ni­ques that helps to navi­ga­te the ter­ri­to­ry effort­less­ly.

In sup­port of this effort­less navi­ga­ti­on is the high reso­lu­ti­on and pre­cis­i­on of my inter­nal and exter­nal map­ping of the ter­ri­to­ry — of the tran­s­cen­den­tals that are like­wi­se living within you and wait to be gui­ded to their frui­ti­on.

The Dialec­ti­cal Sche­me for Playful Balan­ce

Medi­ta­ti­ve prac­ti­ce can easi­ly slip into extre­mes based on our typo­lo­gi­cal pre­con­di­tio­ning. Some peo­p­le tend to over­do with emp­tin­ess and nega­ting rea­li­ty and others tend to hold on to the mani­fest world and its eter­nal appearance too tight­ly.

Ten­ding to eit­her of the­se extre­mes across the four lay­ers of con­scious­ness can halt pro­gress or lead to rup­tures in the fabric of our psy­cho­lo­gi­cal health and who­len­ess. While we the­r­e­fo­re find the midd­le way doc­tri­ne in Bud­dhism, that plays with the kiss of void and bliss in a dyna­mic way, Wes­tern phi­lo­so­phers from Pla­to & Aris­tot­le on offe­red and refi­ned dialec­ti­cal sche­mes to find a syn­the­ti­cal still­ness bet­ween the oppo­sing poles of the path — both per­spec­ti­ves meet throug­hout this cour­se.

The Embo­di­ment Sche­me of the Five Sta­tes

The four lay­ers of con­scious­ness as well as non­du­al Such­ness are rela­ted to sub­di­vi­si­ons of our body.

Within each of the­se sub­di­vi­si­ons the tran­s­cen­den­tals ite­ra­te on an orga­nic level as much as they built the very subt­le fabric that wea­ves our con­scious­ness into inte­gra­ti­ons of the stages on the path to enligh­ten­ment.

Trai­ning and ancho­ring our awa­re­ness in a way that con­scious­ly reflects the rela­ti­onship bet­ween this sophisti­ca­ted, embo­di­ed archi­tec­tu­re helps us to fine tune the per­cep­ti­on of sta­tes and to navi­ga­te them in self and others.

Sofia Mede­san

Entre­pre­neur, Wri­ter & MA stu­dent

“I can say that my year-long expe­ri­ence with Roman was quite uni­que and spe­cial. The best part of it all, for me, were the medi­ta­ti­ons and prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es we did.

Each expe­ri­ence took me to ano­ther level of growth and sta­te of con­scious­ness in a very prac­ti­cal way.”

Dr. Ste­ven Giron

Direc­tor of Edu­ca­ti­on, The New Human Uni­ver­si­ty

“Roman‘s pio­nee­ring work on ‘Fifth­ness’ and its inte­gra­ti­on with the ‘Fifth sta­te,’ or Turya­ti­ta, repres­ents a ground­brea­king explo­ra­ti­on into the realms of enligh­ten­ment and adult deve­lo­p­ment.

His com­mit­ment to mer­ging tra­di­tio­nal wis­dom with con­tem­po­ra­ry sci­ence illu­mi­na­tes the path towards hig­her sta­tes of being, making his con­tri­bu­ti­ons inva­luable to the field and to humanity’s quest for deeper under­stan­ding and spi­ri­tu­al ful­fill­ment.”

Petra Schmidt

for­mer. PA Tele­vi­si­on­di­rec­tor SWR, Stutt­gart &
inte­gral Coach

“Roman’s beau­tiful authen­tic, sen­si­ti­ve, empa­the­tic and empowe­ring inner strength, which he is able to con­vey with his own gene­rous, abso­lut­e­ly under­stan­ding awa­ken­ed wis­dom and pati­ence, inspi­red me. Never tired of lis­tening and under­stan­ding and explai­ning again and again.

His medi­ta­ti­ons, often gui­ded spon­ta­neous­ly and intui­tively during trai­ning, ope­ned my heart to sur­ren­der to what is.”

Out­line of the Cour­se & Its Tech­ni­cal Details

— On Satur­day Octo­ber 19th, 2024
— Meet & Greet for the Group
— Gui­ded Medi­ta­ti­on through the Map & Ter­ri­to­ry
— Explo­ra­ti­on of the main con­cepts and out­line of their sequen­ti­al dis­co­very

Room for Emer­gent Needs


One Intro­duc­to­ry Ses­si­on

Dates & Times

Thir­teen Expe­ri­en­ti­al Ses­si­ons

Cour­se Mate­ri­al

— Start­ing Satur­day March 29th, 2025
— Con­ti­nuing every second Satur­day until Sep­tem­ber 27th 2025
— Mor­nings U.S. Time & After­noons Cen­tral Euro­pean Time (Time will be spe­ci­fied after regis­tra­ti­on is clo­sed based on par­ti­ci­pan­ts Time-Zones)

— Sche­du­le group medi­ta­ti­ons via Zoom
— Addi­tio­nal Q&As or dia­lo­gue groups
— Include bud­dy groups or triads bet­ween ses­si­ons
— Wha­te­ver else comes up…

— Zoom Video Con­fe­ren­ces with recor­dings
— Online Lear­ning Envi­ron­ment for Cour­se Mate­ri­al
— Quiz­zes and Jour­na­ling Exer­ci­s­es
— Social Plat­form for Ques­ti­ons, Dis­cus­sions, and Sup­port

— approx. 2 hours each depen­ding on demands
— 30 minu­te check-in on expe­ri­en­ces with cur­rent medi­ta­ti­on
— 30 to 45 minu­tes of gui­ded medi­ta­ti­ons and exer­ci­s­es
— 30 to 45 minu­tes explo­ra­ti­on of expe­ri­en­ces and cla­ri­fy­ing ques­ti­ons

— The Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment eBook
— Four recor­ded voice dia­lo­gue & jour­na­ling ses­si­ons on balan­cing the extre­mes of the path
— 18+ Hours of pre-recor­ded medi­ta­ti­ons
— Intro­duc­to­ry texts for each ses­si­on

This Cour­se is not only a psy­choac­ti­ve Jour­ney:
It Is a Path of Self-Actua­liza­ti­on and Growth in Various Domains

Grow as a Spi­ri­tu­al Men­tor for Others

Navi­ga­te Your Growth Con­scious­ly

Adopt Prac­ti­ces to Various Stages

Avo­id Extre­mes of Non­du­al Such­ness

Impro­ve your Medi­ta­ti­ve Habits

Inte­gra­te the Path into Ever­y­day Life

My approach that inte­gra­tes the Wes­tern Enligh­ten­ment Tra­di­ti­on with Eas­tern know­ledge of the path fos­ters a dyna­mic balan­ce bet­ween the spi­ri­tu­al extre­mes — via nega­ti­va & via posi­ti­ve — of the path. You bring forth a healt­hy inter­play of libe­ra­ti­on and the imma­cu­la­te such­ness of rea­li­ty.

You set time to prac­ti­ce a set of con­tem­pla­ti­ve tech­ni­ques that is adjus­ted to dif­fe­rent pha­ses of the spi­ri­tu­al jour­ney — tap­ping into the most detail­ed map of the sta­te ter­ri­to­ry up to date fos­ters the inte­gra­ti­on of the path to Enligh­ten­ment in a time­ly and refle­xi­ve man­ner.

You will learn to adopt the prac­ti­ces to your typo­lo­gi­cal pro­fi­le and pre­fe­ren­ces – we will app­ly each medi­ta­ti­on to com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve set­tings, to natu­ral­ly advan­ce their bene­fits into ever­y­day life.

Down­load Free E‑Book

All spi­ri­tu­al prac­ti­ces emer­ged at cer­tain stages of deve­lo­p­ment – throug­hout the cour­se you will expe­ri­ence varia­ti­ons of any prac­ti­ce across a varie­ty of dif­fe­rent stages. In con­trast to tra­di­ti­ons I will offer you a set of tech­ni­ques that can grow up in ali­gnment with your own growth.

Expe­ri­en­cing the ener­ge­tic & embo­di­ed sen­se of the sta­te tra­jec­to­ry will help you to navi­ga­te yours­elf more fluid­ly in each situa­ti­on and your own growth with an unpre­ce­den­ted degree of auto­no­my.

Not only increase your self-know­ledge and mas­tery but impro­ve your skills in working with the deve­lo­p­ment of others through gui­ded medi­ta­ti­ons, trans­mis­si­ons of who­le­so­me emo­ti­ons, later sta­tes and ener­ge­tic fabrics that can sup­port the heal­ing & who­len­ess of others.

Tan­tric Body- & Ener­gy­work

Poin­ting Out & Gui­ded Medi­ta­ti­ons

Dia­lo­gue & Empa­the­tic Reso­nan­ce

Maps & Know­ledge Trans­fer

Spi­ri­tua­li­ty in my under­stan­ding is tan­tric. As a result of the expe­ri­ence of hig­hest per­fec­tion, it is brought into the body — this uni­on of the enligh­ten­ed mind with the body beg­ins on a uniti­ve, visu­al level and slow­ly finds its way into the emo­tio­nal world and the mate­ri­al body through the per­cep­ti­on of a very subt­le balan­ce in the chakra sys­tem. At the same time, medi­ta­ti­on beg­ins with our body awa­re­ness and breathing.

Embo­di­ed know­ledge of the wis­dom of our con­tem­pla­ti­ve tra­di­ti­ons makes it pos­si­ble to point the way to expe­ri­en­ces. Gui­ded medi­ta­ti­on in par­ti­cu­lar helps you to quick­ly get a tas­te of indi­vi­du­al medi­ta­ti­ve sta­tes by trans­mit­ting the signa­tures of the­se sta­tes through word choice, grammar, or breathing pat­terns, for exam­p­le, but also through more subt­le mecha­nisms such as ener­ge­tic syn­chro­niza­ti­on.

The Means of Tea­ching on the Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment

Pre­cis­e­ly becau­se mys­ti­cal expe­ri­en­ces some­ti­mes elude our ever­y­day lan­guage and thus seem to iso­la­te us, exch­an­ge helps us not only to cate­go­ri­ze our expe­ri­en­ces but also to stay con­nec­ted. Words act as tools of self-know­ledge and car­to­gra­phy, as it were, just as they are bridges for thoughts and fee­lings. They allow rea­li­ties to reso­na­te and eli­mi­na­te the appa­rent sepa­ra­ti­on bet­ween two spaces of human con­scious­ness.

Even if con­cepts might sepa­ra­te us from the actu­al expe­ri­ence or mis­gui­de us or decei­ve us about our matu­ri­ty, men­tal maps are cen­tral in poin­ting to some­thing abso­lu­te and crea­ting inspi­ra­ti­on. The per­ma­nent and gui­ded ali­gnment bet­ween men­tal models and the actu­al ter­rain we expe­ri­ence is essen­ti­al. Ulti­m­ate­ly, lan­guage also helps us to enact the mea­ning of an expe­ri­ence and to express its beau­ty in aes­the­ti­cal and poe­ti­cal syn­the­sis.

Ali­son Ooms, PhD


“My fri­end and spi­ri­tu­al men­tor, Roman, is a remar­kab­le gui­de on the path of late-stage inte­gral and spi­ri­tu­al deve­lo­p­ment. Having deep­ly explo­red this trans­for­ma­ti­ve jour­ney hims­elf, he returns with a pro­found abili­ty to gui­de others, wal­king bes­i­de them on this road less tra­ve­led.

As a trail gui­de, he finds joy in wit­nessing the expe­ri­en­ces of tho­se he men­tors, allo­wing them to ful­ly embrace the won­ders of the jour­ney. His pre­sence is mark­ed by unpar­al­le­led kind­ness and com­pas­si­on, crea­ting a sup­port­i­ve and nur­tu­ring envi­ron­ment for all fel­low tra­ve­lers.

Despi­te Eng­lish not being his nati­ve lan­guage, he pos­s­es­ses an extra­or­di­na­ry under­stan­ding that tran­s­cends ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on.

Though young in the realm of Inte­gral spi­ri­tu­al deve­lo­p­ment, he is a sea­so­ned vete­ran of the trail, offe­ring wis­dom and gui­dance with a depth that belies his years. His uni­que blend of insight, empa­thy, and humi­li­ty makes him an inva­luable com­pa­n­ion and men­tor on the spi­ri­tu­al path.”

Be One of Seven Par­ti­ci­pan­ts on this Jour­ney through the Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment!

Join Me on this Jour­ney or Regis­ter for a Q&A

Start­ing Satur­day 29th of March 2025

Spaces are limi­t­ed to 7 Par­ti­ci­pan­ts.

Joi­ning the cour­se gives you a 200 € reduc­tion on an optio­nal Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Assess­ment & Debrief.

10% of your Tui­ti­on will go to my fri­end Kabir Kadre‘s Inju­ry Fund to help him get his tre­men­dous gifts into the world.

If you can‘t afford the tui­ti­on or think it is too high (e.g., becau­se you don‘t know my work), but want to join, feel free to ask for a dis­count.

One Time Pay­ment: 1540 €
or Seven Month­ly Rates a 220 €

Regis­ter for Q&A

Regis­ter Now

Regis­ter for Q&A One

Satur­day Febru­ary 15, 2025 08:00 PM CETSatur­day March 15, 2025 08:00 PM CET

Regis­ter for Q&A Two

I offer two expe­ri­en­ti­al Q&As to make an infor­med decis­i­on on whe­ther this jour­ney fits your cur­rent inte­rests and needs.

During the Q&A you will be brief­ly and swift­ly gui­ded through the five main lay­er of the stages on path to enligh­ten­ment.

Then an out­line of the cour­se is pre­sen­ted befo­re I will attend to any of your ques­ti­ons that sup­port an infor­med decis­i­on making on your side or help me to refi­ne the struc­tu­re of the cour­se in advan­ce.

Regis­ter for The Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment

1540 €

Optio­nal Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Assess­ment

390 € ins­tead of 590 €

10% of your Tui­ti­on

Sup­port Kabir Kadre‘s Inju­ry Fund

Learn More

Optio­nal Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Inven­to­ry

Our Stan­dard Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Assess­ment with a 60 minu­te Debrief.

You will recei­ve the wave­li­ke func­tion of your deve­lo­p­ment, a cor­re­la­ti­on of your score with other rele­vant models such as Ego Deve­lo­p­ment, and a per­so­na­li­zed report inclu­ding your typo­lo­gi­cal tra­jec­to­ry within Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism.

The report will include prac­ti­ce and rea­ding advice fine­tu­n­ed to quar­ter stages.

390.00 € Ins­tead of 590.00 €

A Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Assess­ment gives you ori­en­ta­ti­on along the tra­jec­to­ry of the stages on the path to enligh­ten­ment.

Kno­wing your most likely cen­ter of gra­vi­ty along the stage­wi­se expres­si­on of the path will help you to fine­tu­ne the prac­ti­ces dis­co­ver­ed throug­hout the cour­se towards you pre­sent stage‘s needs.

We can do your debrief any­ti­me throug­hout the cour­se, such that I can pro­vi­de you addi­tio­nal gui­dance, and such taht we can dis­cuss how you can get most out of the recent lear­nings.

I meat Kabir in 2014 at the Inte­gral Euro­pean Con­fe­rence. Sin­ce then we have been in unre­gu­lar but enri­ching cont­act. Kabir is a light­house for equ­ani­mi­ty & hope in dif­fi­cult times such as we endu­re as huma­ni­ty in facing so many cri­sis.

He needs imme­dia­te and ongo­ing help to pay rent, a team of five care­gi­vers, and other regu­lar expen­ses to func­tion as a quad­ri­ple­gic. Dona­ti­ons make it pos­si­ble to push through this strugg­le and bring his gifts to the world.

With 10 per­cent of your tui­ti­on Kabir‘s jour­ney on his per­so­nal path as a social chan­ge maker is sup­port­ed.

Kabir has been part­ne­ring with Help Hope Live, a regis­tered 501(c)(3) non­pro­fit as they pro­vi­de tax-deduc­ti­bi­li­ty and fis­cal accoun­ta­bi­li­ty to tho­se who wish to help with the medi­cal cos­ts of my life under the con­di­ti­ons of Spi­nal Cord Inju­ry, quad­ri­ple­gia and para­ly­sis.

Thanks to their efforts and your gene­rous sup­port, I can off­set my sub­stan­ti­al medi­cal cos­ts and focus on making a grea­ter dif­fe­rence for a wider world in need.

Learn More

10% of Your Tui­ti­on

Sup­port Kabir Kadre‘s Inju­ry Fund

Ener­ge­tic Mani­fes­ta­ti­on of an Ani­mal Dei­ty

A preli­mi­na­ry body, breathing & awa­re­ness Medi­ta­ti­on

Take the Time and Lis­ten to one of my past Medi­ta­ti­ons

Ide­al­ly you had alre­a­dy some expe­ri­ence with medi­ta­ti­on. Not­wi­th­stan­ding this, the cour­se fol­lows a gra­du­al path through the various lay­ers, sta­tes, and rela­ted tech­ni­ques of the path. We start with preli­mi­na­ry and simp­le prac­ti­ces to cul­ti­va­te who­le­so­me emo­ti­ons and learn to grasp the tex­tur of our breath. In this it can help you to estab­lish a medi­ta­ti­ve rou­ti­ne.

Like­wi­se, gui­ded medi­ta­ti­ons throug­hout the ses­si­ons will be available as recor­dings after­wards, so that you have an anchor for your medi­ta­ti­ve prac­ti­ce that can easi­ly impro­ve your medi­ta­ti­on skills.

Some of the later ses­si­ons will intro­du­ce advan­ced prac­ti­ces that — depen­ding on a num­ber of varia­bles like your stage, pre­vious medi­ta­ti­ve trai­ning, or available time — can requi­re some skill bey­ond what one can estab­lish throug­hout two or three months into the jour­ney. But the­se prac­ti­ces, once you con­ti­nue with your per­so­nal medi­ta­ti­ve prac­ti­ce, will beco­me more rele­vant to you. So, if you have alre­a­dy trai­ned them a bit it will ease up the demands put on you by regu­lar prac­ti­ce.

Ide­al­ly, you join each of our live ses­si­ons. Howe­ver, I know that unex­pec­ted events can take pre­ce­dence and that we all may have sche­du­le con­flicts at some point. Then, plea­se watch the recor­ding and go through the medi­ta­ti­ons on your own. The social lear­ning envi­ron­ment allows you to ask ques­ti­ons and com­ment on the recor­ding.

Addi­tio­nal­ly, sche­du­le half an hour+ per day to go through the prac­ti­ces at hand or inte­gra­te them in your exis­ting prac­ti­ces so that we can explo­re and dis­cuss tog­e­ther how the­se prac­ti­ces affect your con­scious­ness and well being, whe­re you strugg­le or stri­ve, and whe­ther we can make adjus­t­ments on the jour­ney.

I want to make this cour­se as available as pos­si­ble whe­r­e­fo­re I alre­a­dy cho­se a com­pa­ra­tively low tui­ti­on. If you are a stu­dent or live on a below-avera­ge inco­me I can offer 25 and 50percent dis­counts — howe­ver, given my past expe­ri­ence in regards to par­ti­ci­pan­ts moti­va­ti­on I don‘t offer tui­ti­on-free par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on.

We start our Jour­ney on Satur­day 29th of March 2025 — the ses­si­ons will be held in a two week rhythm. The time will be adjus­ted to the time-zones of par­ti­ci­pan­ts once regis­tra­ti­on is clo­sed. Howe­ver, it will be mor­ning in the US and after­noons in Euro­pe.

The full list of live ses­si­ons is going to come soon.

We share a social lear­ning envi­ron­ment with The Evo­lu­tio­na­ry Samgha. It is a coll­ec­ti­ve of spi­ri­tu­al tea­chers who share the cos­ts of hos­ting cour­ses at

You will be sent an invi­ta­ti­on two weeks pri­or to the start of The Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment Cour­se with all neces­sa­ry ins­truc­tions.

I offer two interactive and experiential Q&A Sessions for The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment Course.

I am looking forward to meeting you there.

With Love, Roman

Register for Q&A One

Register for Q&A Two

Join my Q&ASaturday February 15, 2025 08:00 PM CETSaturday March 15, 2025 08:00 PM CET

Critical Theory