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Sub­scri­be to Roman‘s news­let­ter below and you will recei­ve his Free Ebook on The Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment - Down­load is available in Eng­lish and Ger­man.

It depicts the four sphe­res of con­scious­ness — sen­su­al, subt­le, cau­sal and uniti­ve -, known by most wis­dom tra­di­ti­ons, and how they are build by com­plex frac­tal pat­tern of ite­ra­ti­ve tran­s­cen­den­tals that des­cend from a fifth, non­du­al sphe­re. The ite­ra­ti­ve pat­terns are descri­bed on the level of con­scious­ness and con­nec­ted to their loca­ti­on in the human brain and our body.

Illus­t­ra­ting, through a com­bi­na­ti­on of Tibe­tan Bud­dhist Phi­lo­so­phy with that of the Wes­tern Enligh­tenmnt tra­di­ti­on, how pit­falls and extre­mes can be avo­ided on the path, the Ebook out­lines an unpre­ce­den­ted map of twen­ty-stages of the tra­jec­to­ry towards the libe­ra­ti­on bey­ond all oppo­si­tes.

Upon sub­scrip­ti­on you are sent to the Eng­lish down­load page by default. Check here only if you want the Ger­man ver­si­on.
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I will occa­sio­nal­ly be in touch through a news­let­ter.