Take Your Next Step Towards Con­scious Age­ing

Your Conscious Ageing Inventory & Debrief with Transcendental Pluralism

Pro­ceed to check out for our Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Con­scious Age­ing Inven­to­ry with Report and 60 minu­te Debrief.

The per­so­na­li­zed report is based on the wave like dis­tri­bu­ti­on of your respon­ses and direc­ted towards your lea­ding edge and sali­ent deve­lo­p­men­tal traits. The report will ori­ent you towards the next growth and con­so­li­da­ti­on steps that are most per­fect­ly ali­gned with your tra­jec­to­ry towards con­scious age­ing inclu­ding recom­men­ded prac­ti­ces and rea­dings fine tun­ed to quar­ter stages.

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Pri­ce: 590,00 €
Our con­scious age­ing inven­to­ry with 24 items plus a moral dilem­ma on age­ing, with exten­si­ve per­so­na­li­zed report and 1‑hour debrief ses­si­on with Bet­ti­na Wichers
Feel free to request dis­counts if you live on a below-avera­ge inco­me or are a stu­dent: roman@roman-angerer.de
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