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🌟 Dear fri­ends, fol­lo­wers, and stran­gers I’ve pou­red my heart and soul into the deve­lo­p­ment of Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism. This 40+ page gui­de that explo­res how con­scious­ness unfolds through five lay­ers and 20 stages is the essence of its stage tra­jec­to­ry crystall­zed from a leng­thy work that I finis­hed some time ago. This book offers:

  • 📊 9 detail­ed tables high­light­ing key aspects of the model and reve­al­ing important cor­re­la­ti­ons.
  • 🌀 Five lay­ers of con­scious­ness with 20 stages descri­bed in depth, focu­sing on tho­se most rele­vant to huma­ni­ty today, with clear ear­ly- and late-stage dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on.
  • 💡 Valuable insights into the deve­lo­p­men­tal under­pin­nings of the mea­ning cri­sis, offe­ring infor­ma­ti­on for under­stan­ding and trans­for­ma­ti­on.

Whe­ther you pre­fer Eng­lish or Ger­man, you can down­load the ver­si­on that reso­na­tes with you.

🧠 The Sto­ry Behind Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism I’ve dedi­ca­ted years to rese­ar­ching and deve­lo­ping Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism. This jour­ney has been one of deep explo­ra­ti­on and syn­the­sis, com­bi­ning:

  • 📚 An exten­si­ve ana­ly­sis of hundreds of aut­hors and their wri­tin­gs, span­ning a wide ran­ge of disci­pli­nes.
  • 🔗 The inte­gra­ti­on of dozens of exis­ting models, careful­ly woven tog­e­ther into a cohe­si­ve frame­work.
  • 🌱 Direct enga­ge­ment with hundreds of indi­vi­du­als, asses­sing their deve­lo­p­men­tal jour­neys in recent years and accom­pany­ing their growth as tea­cher and men­tor.
  • 👁️ Phe­no­me­no­lo­gi­cal rese­arch, groun­ding the model in lived expe­ri­ence and direct inquiry.

Through this work, the con­tours of what seems to be the most com­pre­hen­si­ve model of con­scious growth huma­ni­ty has seen so far have emer­ged.

🌿 Read, reflect, and grow. 🌿 Thank you for joi­ning me on this jour­ney. Your sup­port means everything—not just for this book, but for the con­tin­ued explo­ra­ti­on of the­se ide­as. Let’s embark on this path tog­e­ther. 💖Roman

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Down­load links for both the Eng­lish and the Ger­man ver­si­on of the eBook will be sent to you after dona­ti­on.
🌟 Stay Con­nec­ted, Stay Inspi­red!
Join my news­let­ter to explo­re the fasci­na­ting depths of con­scious­ness and tran­s­cen­den­tal plu­ra­lism. As a sub­scri­ber, you’ll: ✅ Get exclu­si­ve insights and updates on my work. ✅ Be the first to know about new wri­tin­gs and ide­as. ✅ Recei­ve thought-pro­vo­king con­tent straight to your inbox. Let’s embark on this jour­ney of growth and dis­co­very tog­e­ther. Your sup­port fuels meaningful explo­ra­ti­on! 📩 Sub­scri­be Now and Be Part of the Con­ver­sa­ti­on!


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