Entries by admin

Karma & the Stages of Perception

In this week‘s les­son of the Stages of the Path to Enligh­ten­ment Cour­se we look at both the emp­ty and the full natu­re of First­ness, the lay­er of our Body & sen­su­al Being. The fol­lo­wing text is an excerpt from the cour­se mate­ri­al — it is not meant to be a sophisti­ca­ted dis­cus­sion of Bud­dhism and modern Wes­tern psy­cho­lo­gy but meant to give you some under­stan­ding of per­cep­tu­al con­scious­ness and matu­ra­ti­on pro­ces­ses in infan­cy whe­r­e­fo­re it helps to make up a dicho­to­my bet­ween two world­views.