Dive into an unpre­ce­den­ted Under­stan­ding of Stage Deve­lo­p­ment in 2025

Our Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism Scoring Trai­ning:
Sen­si­ti­vi­ty through Pre­cis­i­on 2.0

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We are plan­ning to offer our next Scoring Trai­ning in Spring 2025.

The trai­ning is an impro­ved ver­si­on of Sen­si­ti­vi­ty through Pre­cis­i­on offe­red in 2022. This first scoring trai­ning allo­wed us to pro­of an inter­ra­ter agree­ment of 94% within a quar­ter of a stage and an inter­ra­ter relia­bi­li­ty of 1.0 mea­su­red with Cronbach’s alpha.

It will be taught by Roman Ange­rer and the first cer­ti­fied scorer of Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism, Risa Rae, who will sup­port the group as a men­tor.

This form allows you to app­ly for our forth­co­ming trai­ning.

Your Benefits:
  • Learn to under­stand the most encom­pas­sing theo­ry of stage deve­lo­p­ment up to date.
  • Score up to 20 stages, inclu­ding quar­ter stages (you can learn to increase that reso­lu­ti­on) and stage tran­si­ti­ons. The ran­ge depends on your own cen­ter of gra­vi­ty.
  • Dis­cern the main two types within Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism con­sis­t­ent­ly across the tra­jec­to­ry.
  • Gene­ra­te the foun­da­ti­on to sup­port cli­ents in their gro­wing up and waking up pro­cess with sen­si­ti­vi­ty and pre­cis­i­on.
  • Sup­port your own growth in a group of equ­als.
Your ideal Center of Gravity

Though you can expect sub­stan­ti­al growth throug­hout the year long pro­gram an assess­ment at the 3.2 Stage within Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism is a requi­re­ment to join. Any par­ti­ci­pant will under­go a scoring after accept­ed appli­ca­ti­on pri­or to that a veri­fied cen­ter of gra­vi­ty through other assess­ments — inclu­ding Ego-Deve­lo­p­ment 5/6 Con­s­truct-Awa­re, STAGES 5.0 or 5.5, Lec­ti­ca Stage 11:50 or later — qua­li­fies you for ente­ring the inter­view pro­cess.

If you have not been asses­sed by any of the­se models we can offer you an assess­ment with dis­count or, after accep­tance, account it with the later scoring trai­ning fee.

Time Requirements
  • The trai­ning needs a com­mit­ment for at least one to two scoring exer­ci­s­es per week — which can take up to two hours in the begin­ning but usual­ly not more than an hour after some prac­ti­ce.
  • Two two-hour tea­ching calls per month.
  • Ide­al­ly one-hour calls to dis­cuss exer­ci­s­es within all other weeks.
  • Time to read the gene­ral Scoring Manu­al and tho­se for the most rele­vant stages.
  • Time to read the 400 Page Tran­s­cen­den­tal Plu­ra­lism book inclu­ding video mate­ri­al for each stage

This might avera­ge up to three or four hours a week depen­ding on your invest­ment and indi­vi­du­al lear­ning style.


We want to make the scoring trai­ning available for ever­yo­ne — the­re will be indi­vi­dua­li­zed pay­ment plans and reduc­tions available on the plan­ned 3.500 €.


You will be part of a small com­mit­ted group — not more than seven stu­dents.

The scoring trai­ning will take up to 1.5 years — given my cur­rent situa­ti­on as a father of two litt­le child­ren who is equal­ly sha­ring paren­ting with his wife this time includes a buf­fer for unfo­re­seeable delays.

The first months will focus on the basics of the model, cor­re­la­ti­ons with other models, and the quar­ter stage metric which repeats through all stages.

Scoring the ear­ly stages will be sub­su­med into one month, unless the­re is spe­cial inte­rest in scoring pre-ver­bal state­ments or kin­der­gar­ten and ele­men­ta­ry-school-age child­ren.

After that we will work on each of the rele­vant stages 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 4.1 for a month or two if nee­ded. Ulti­m­ate­ly, after you mana­ged to assess the first two or three of the­se stages scoring the rest of the tra­jec­to­ry will unfold natu­ral­ly.

Send Your Application

Your Cen­ter of Gra­vi­ty
Plea­se let us know if you have under­go­ne any pri­or deve­lo­p­men­tal assess­ment that attests you our deman­ded cen­ter of gra­vi­ty.
Mar­ke­ting email con­sent
I will occa­sio­nal­ly be in touch through a news­let­ter.