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The stan­dard assess­ment is a 24 Item Sen­tence Com­ple­ti­on Test as used within the Ego-Deve­lo­p­ment lineage of Jane Loe­vin­g­er and Susan­ne Cook-Greu­ter. It includes the mea­su­re­ment of four deve­lo­p­men­tal lines:

  1. The adap­ti­ve line or your cogni­ti­ve mode;
  2. The dif­fe­ren­tia­ting line or your ori­en­ta­ti­on towards cha­rac­ter deve­lo­p­ment and per­so­nal morals;
  3. The inte­gra­ti­ve line or your inter­per­so­nal skills and awa­re­ness of sys­tems;
  4. The self-the­ma­tiza­ti­on line or your con­scious preoc­cu­pa­ti­on with uni­ver­sal.

Your report includes your most likely stage of Ego-Deve­lo­p­ment as mea­su­red through the Model of Home­o­sta­tic Hier­ar­chi­cal Inte­gra­ti­on as well as each line depic­ted sepa­ra­te­ly for com­pa­ri­son. We, too, offer a short com­ment about sali­en­ces and a direc­tion for future deve­lo­p­ment.

If you are inte­res­ted in spe­ci­fic and per­so­nal feed­back plea­se check the respec­ti­ve box and com­ment your inte­rest in the text­box. Then we include an ana­ly­sis of your deve­lo­p­men­tal strength, weak­ne­s­ses, oppor­tu­ni­ties, and thre­ats accor­ding to your field of inte­rest.

At the moment we don‘t have a com­ple­te set of stage descrip­ti­ons through the lens of our model available. Howe­ver, we offer a stage com­pa­ri­son with over a docent or so models of child­hood and adult deve­lo­p­ment which helps to navi­ga­te the ter­ri­to­ry you are at as good as pos­si­ble.

Too, we offer a debrief via zoom that can help you to see more cle­ar­ly whe­re you are at and how you can both tran­s­cend your cur­rent sta­te and include as well as broa­den the tra­jec­to­ry you have alre­a­dy lived through.

Kind regards

Roman Ange­rer

P.S.: If our pri­ces are too high for you, feel free to ask for a dis­count on a debrief or per­so­na­li­zed feed­back that best fits your cur­rent finan­cial situa­ti­on.